You can gain a deeper understanding of your accounts by using Yodah's interactive financial reports.
Your Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, and Trial Balance reports are all interactive so you can quickly and easily identify the meaning behind the numbers.
There is also a variety of other reports to help you view your business performance quickly and easily, sales forecast, new leads by quantity and value, and sales by customer, or orders lost by reason are some of the reports availablet to you.
Since they are built into the system, you are only a click away from drilling down into the information, to go as granular as you would like.
Yodah produces interactive Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet and Trial Balance reports which can be customised using the chart of accounts.
Handy features such as the accounts lock date and year end functions make it quick and easy for accountants to prepare the companies accounts for review.
Click through the numbers to see the corresponding values.
Yodah's Sales Forecast feature is extremely useful for businesses that rely heavily on lead generation and sales quotations or have a longer lead/quote to completion life for their orders.
Yodah does this by offering Probability and Estimated date fields for Sales Orders. These fields can be set as required fields, whereby sales staff can estimate the likelihood of if and when the sale may complete.
This data is combined with the won and scheduled orders to provide a picture of upcoming sales for following weeks/months.
The Sales Forecast also has many other built in handy features to try and make the forecast as accurate as possible, for example it will list all Sales Orders with estimated dates in the past, it will break down orders to show partially completed orders and and also show which orders have been paid for or already dispatched.
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